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Terms and Conditions
Please read these Terms and Conditions (“Agreement”) carefully before signing or accepting this document. These Terms and Conditions apply to the use of the printed course content/modules, website of Tenet Health Edutech Pvt. Ltd. or its course partners and to the information, communications, opinions, text, graphics, links, art, audio, video, software, photos, music, sounds and other material and data on the Site (collectively, the "Content").
Enrollment Agreement -
The "Registration Form" is the Enrollment Agreement (hereinafter referred to as the Agreement between the applicant and the Tenet Health Edutech Pvt. Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as the THEPL).
Admission to the programs would be provided solely at the discretion of THEPL management, as per the admission criteria for the different programs. Admission criteria could include admission test, interview, group discussion, electronic/web based testing.
Admission to the program would confirm, after acceptance of this agreement by the student, including Student Informed Consent Form, as per Annexure 1.
Access to the website/Course Content: Upon qualification, THEPL will grant you temporary rights (the "Access Rights" or "Rights"), to access and use the printed content and/or website content for personal use only. You are responsible for all hardware, software, telephone or other communications equipment and/or service to connect to the Internet and access the Site and are responsible for all Internet access charges, telephone charges or other fees or charges incurred in connecting to the Internet and accessing the Site.
User Conduct:
You agree to access and use the website and course content only for lawful purposes. You are solely responsible for the knowledge of and adherence to any and all laws, statutes, rules and regulations, pertaining to
1. Your use of the website,
2. The use of any other goods or services provided on the website, and
3. The communications means by which you connect your modem, computer, or other equipment to the Website.
By accessing the Website, you agree not to use the Website or course content to commit a criminal offense or to encourage conduct that would constitute a criminal offense or give rise to a civil liability, or otherwise violate any local, state, central or international law, including but not limited to any central or state securities law or the Indian export control laws and regulations or alter, damage or delete any Content or otherwise interfere with the ability of others to access the Website.
Access to the course content/program/testing would be provided through printed course material and/or course partners. User Names, Login Names and Passwords are offered on a one-to-one basis (one paid User for one Login Name and password). To access the Website you will be asked to enter your individual Login Name and Password. Sharing your Login Name and Password is NOT permitted. You should take measures to protect your password, should never share it with anyone and should change it periodically. Your Password is your private entry key into your account. The Login Name and Password are exclusively for your use and for the use of no other person. You are solely responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of your password, and for any and all use and access to the Service that occurs under your account. Any part of the Website being cached in proxy servers and accessed by individuals who have not registered with the Website as paid users of the Website is not permitted. Access through a single Login Name and Password being made available to multiple users on a network is not permitted. If we reasonably believe that a Login Name and Password are being used in any of these ways, we reserve the right to cancel access rights immediately without notice, and block access to all users from that IP address.
You agree to: (i) provide true, accurate, current and complete information about you as required by the registration form, and (ii) maintain and update your User Profile to keep it true, accurate, current and complete. If you provide information that is untrue, inaccurate, incomplete or not current, or if THEPL has reason to believe the same, THEPL has the right to suspend or terminate Access Rights and refuse to provide you with any current or future access to the Service. In addition, most of the notifications from THEPL are through, e-mail and it is essential that you have your information up-to-date.
To register as a User at THEPL, there is an annual registration fee. The registration fee is automatically added to your course fee. Registered Users have unlimited access to the web Website for the duration of the course from the date of registration to view enrolled modules, take tests, access their training records, and to enroll in additional modules.
All the students have to complete respective program within the validity period. If the students fail to do so, they will be required to pay Rs.1,000/- or US$30 for each extension – every extension would be valid for the period of 1 month. If student would like to continue the program after one year of the expiry, he or she need to pay Rs.2,500/- or US$50 for the re-registration.
You can enroll in selected modules within a course or in a course as a whole. Where available, enrolling in a course as a whole enrolls the User in all modules within the course. The THEPL has no obligation to render any services to the student members beyond the period of validity of enrollment. To clarify further, no obligation of the THEPL shall survive beyond the period of validity of enrollment.
Fees for the program to be charged as per the THEPL’s policies. All students need to pay fee, service tax or any other charges decided by the management. Registration fees and enrollment fees paid through cash, cheques, bank drafts, credit cards, wire transfers or any other mode are not refundable and all refunds will be as per the policies decided by THEPL management.
All students registering are required to pay to THEPL the stipulated payment as per payment schedule, along with service tax. For classroom students, any delay in the payment of fee would attract 3% interest per month on the accumulated amount. Wherever students have arrears of amount to be paid to THEPL, they may not be permitted to appear for examinations or their examination result may not be released and their certificates / diplomas may not be issued; further, such students will be considered as inactive on the rolls of THEPL and their names are liable to be removed from the records. These students will also not be provided any interviews, placements or other support by THEPL. The payment schedule is subject to change from time to time. Students will be informed of the payment schedule revisions, if any.
In case of online / distance program, if fee is not paid as per the fee schedule, online access would be disabled till the time due fee is paid.
THEPL can revise the fees and charges at any time, without any notice to the students. Any taxes levied by the government at any time would be paid by the student immediately whenever the demand is raised by the THEPL. These taxes can be applicable retrospectively.
Final examination fee is included in the fee. However, Re-examination fee is Rs.3,000/- or US$50 in case student does not pass the final exam, student would require to pay Rs.3,000/- or US$50 to re-appear. In case student does not appear into the final exam due to any reason, student would need to pay Rs.3,000/- or US$ 50 to appear into the exam conduct again as per the schedule decided the academic committee.
For all classroom programs 95% attendance is mandatory. In case the attendance is lower than 95%, THEPL has right to prohibit you from appearing for the exams. THEPL will not be responsible for the placement support and other training / internship support provided to the students if the attendance is below95%.
The Website and the printed course content are the property of and THEPL and are protected by Indian and International Copyright laws. All copyright, trademark, and other proprietary rights in the Website and the Content are reserved to and THEPL unless specifically stated otherwise. Except as expressly provided in this Agreement, you are prohibited from making any use, be it commercial or non-commercial, of the Content without obtaining prior written permission from THEPL and / or course partners. Any violations of copyright of the THEPL course material would attract several criminal and civil liabilities.
Links to external Websites may be provided as a convenience to you. You agree that THEPL and / or course partner is not responsible for any content or services available through external Websites on the Internet linked to or from the Website. All such content and services are made accessible on the Internet by independent third parties. THEPL does not endorse nor is it responsible for the accuracy, completeness, usefulness, quality or availability of any content or services available on any Website linked to or from the Website, which are the sole responsibility of such independent third parties, and your use thereof is solely at your own risk. You agree that THEPL shall not be held responsible or liable, directly or indirectly, for any loss or damage caused or alleged to have been caused by your use of or reliance on any content or services available on any Website linked to or from the Website or your inability to access the Internet or any Website linked to or from the Website.
THEPL has rights to change the course content provider, and may offer program through its’ own faculty/resources or through any other course provider. The decision of THEPL would be final in the matter, and would be binding on the student.
You are permitted to print from the online course pages for your personal use only. You are not permitted to copy in any form the printed course material or on electronic version. Any copies of these pages must not be saved to disk or to any other storage medium. You may not (whether directly or through the use of any software program) create a database in electronic or structured manual form by regularly or systematically downloading and storing all or any part of the pages from this Website. No part of the printed training content or Website may be reproduced or transmitted to or stored in any other web Website, nor may any of its pages or part thereof be disseminated in any electronic or non electronic form, nor included in any public or private electronic retrieval system or service without THEPL’ prior written permission.
All programs; course content; study materials have been designed keeping in view the industry needs and are as per the global standards. Due care has been taken to update the content. THEPL, its associates, course partners, faculty members are not responsible for any discrepancies or deficiencies in the programs.
I understand that Cliniminds do not offer AICTE/UGC/ or University approved programs. Program in clinical research, pharmacovigilance, data management, medical writing etc. are out of the ambit of AICTE/UGC as of 22 June 2013. We have been offered job oriented skill development programs created with a view to provide skills required by the clinical research, pharmaceutical, biotechnology, healthcare, and assist students.
Students attending only class room or Live eLearning programs would be provided with the placement assistance in identifying job opportunities. The performance of the candidates at the employment interviews, recruitment policies of the employers, industry &economic conditions and several other factors would affect the prospects of the job. Distance learning students would be provided limited placement assistance in the form of sending their CVs to potential employers. THEPL does not guarantee the 100% job placement to any student due to several factors involved in any employment process. No placement support would be provided to the students who have not paid the balance fee, taxes, charges or have not cleared the exams, interviews, project work.
THEPL does not offer any hostel facilities to the potential candidates. However, it may provide assistance to the candidates in finding suitable residential / hostel facilities in Delhi. Candidates and landlord / hostel will be responsible for the payments, expenses and their behavior and other safety issues.
Student can be terminated from the THEPL’s centres / institutes for any act of indiscipline, ragging, violence, usage of any kind of illegal drugs, threatening / misbehavior with THEPL staff, management, faculty and co-students. THEPL management reserves the right to terminate student for the nonpayment of fee, taxes, service charges etc.
Your registration will automatically expire in one year or duration as per respective course from the registration or registration renewal date unless renewed. Either party can terminate the Agreement for any reason at any time. However, upon termination THEPL will not be liable to refund any fee or charges. If THEPL terminates this Agreement, we will e-mail you at the address on your profile, and you will be deemed to have received it within one hour of transmission. Termination will be effective at that time, so that the Login Name and Password will no longer provide access to the Website. If you would like to restart the program, you would need to send the request in writing and pay the necessary charges applicable in restarting the program, in addition to the balance fee payable
You should use your best judgment in evaluating all information contained or opinions expressed on the Website or the printed or digital/electronic course material. You expressly agree that your use of the printed course content or website is at your sole risk. THEPL and or/its course partners does not warrant that the website or any internet website linked to or from the website will be uninterrupted or error free; nor does THEPL or its course partners make any warranty as to the results that may be obtained from the use of the website or any internet website linked to or from the website or as to the timeliness, sequence, accuracy, authority, completeness, usefulness, non-infringement, reliability or substance of any content, information, service or transaction provided through the website or any website linked to or from the website. The and the content and the content are provided on an ‘as is’, and ‘as available’ basis, without warranties of any kind, either express or implied, including, without limitation, those of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose.
THEPL, their employees, licensees, franchisees, partners, agents, directors and vendors make every effort to provide information that is accurate, current and usable. THEPL, their employees, course content partners, licensees, franchisees, partners, agents, directors and vendors cannot be held responsible for errors or omissions. We cannot guarantee, and will not be responsible for any damage or loss arising due to the use of the information. The user is solely responsible for conclusions drawn from or actions taken on the basis of the information provided in the binder presentations or from the company’s websites. It is always advisable to correlate the information provided in the course information with the other reliable sources.
The entire contents of the courses have been developed by THEPL & its team of medical writers, partners, editors and industry professionals and put together by THEPL. They are protected under Indian and International copyright laws. No Part of this binder content or content delivered through or any other electronic media may be copied, reprinted, scanned, sold, reproduced or transmitted to or stored in any other computer or other storage devices, web site, electronic or non electronic form, nor included in any public or private electronic retrieval system or service without THEPL’s prior written permission.
Under no circumstances shall THEPL be liable for any incidental, special or consequential damages under or arising from use of the printed course content, online content, program, website or any internet website linked to or from the website, whether for breach of contract, tort, negligence, or under any other cause of action, including without limitation, any liability for damages caused or allegedly caused by any failure of performance, error, omission, interruption, electrical surge/damage/interference, deletion, defect, delay in operation or transmission, computer virus, communications line failure, breakdown of equipment, software error, infringement, unauthorized access to, or theft, destruction, alteration, or use of, records.
Under no circumstances shall THEPL be liable to you or any other third party for any decision made or action taken by you in reliance on the content contained within the website or the content contained within any internet website linked to or from the website. The content within the website and the content within internet websites linked to or from website may include technical or other inaccuracies or typographical errors. Changes are periodically added to the content herein; these changes will be incorporated in new versions of the printed content, website and specifically are included in this section agreement. THEPL may make improvements and/or changes in the content at any time and from time to time.
I as a student / user of the program agree to indemnify and hold harmless THEPL, its’ partners, associates, employees, faculty, directors, managers and agents from any and all liabilities, claims and expenses, including reasonable attorneys' fees, arising from breach of these Terms and Conditions of Use, any other policy, your use or access of the printed course content, Website or any Internet Website linked to or from the Website. I fully understand THEPL does not provide 100% guaranteed placement support, hence, I would not file any claim or case against THEPL in any court of law and consumer courts or consumer forums in any part of India, USA or any other overseas nation. I am undertaking the program in order to enhance my knowledge and upgrade skills in the nominated course, entirely by my choice and understanding.
THEPL Shall not be liable for delay or failure in performance of any of its obligations under the Agreement when such delay or failure arises from events or circumstances beyond the reasonable control of the THEPL (including without limitation, acts of God, fire, flood, war, explosion, sabotage, terrorism, embargo, civil commotion, acts or omissions of any government entity, supplier delays, courier delays, communications or power failure, server failures, equipment or software malfunction, or labor disputes).
THEPL’s failure to insist on compliance or enforcement of any provision of this Agreement shall not affect its validity or enforceability or constitute a waiver of future enforcement of that provision or of any other provision of this Agreement.
Enrollment of any student in the Training Programs, shall not entitle any person (including, without limitation, members) to any rights as third party beneficiary.
THEPL operates business from the National Capital Territory of Delhi, India controls its Website(s) – ( and www.cliniminds.comand businesses from its offices in the India. However, the Program/course may also be offered through course content providers or partners in India or any other country. THEPL and/or course partners reserves the right to change the program, program partners, content, testing procedure and any other issue pertaining to the program without any notice. THEPL makes no representation that the Website or the Contents are appropriate or available for use in other locations. If you choose to access this Website from another jurisdiction, you do so at your own risk and are solely responsible for compliance with the laws of your jurisdiction. The law of the National Capital Territory of Delhi, India shall govern all issues and matters relating to or arising from your use of this Website or any other Cliniminds course or services.
These Terms and Conditions of use constitute the entire agreement between the User and THEPL and /or course partners supersede any prior understanding or agreement, whether oral or written. THEPL shall have final authority to revise these Terms and Conditions or any other policy at any time and from time to time. If any such revision is unacceptable to you, you must discontinue accessing the printed course material/Website. Your continued access and use of the course content and Website following any such revision shall be deemed acceptance of all such revisions.
If at any time you wish to contact THEPL with any question, comment or complaint, you may do so by writing to; You may also write to Cliniminds, Tenet Health Edutech Pvt. Ltd., C-101 First Floor, Sector-2, Noida, Uttar Pradesh 201301.
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